You are kindly asked to carefully read and accept the following terms and conditions and their subcategories, in order to participate in Skiathos Trail Run.

Athletes participating in the Skiathos Trail Run races must be aware that they are running on a rough mountain ground with all that it entails. Also, they are exposed to any weather conditions on the day of the race. Please notice that the race will take place under any weather conditions unless there are exceptional circumstances or extreme weather conditions that require the delay, the postponement or the cancellation of the race.


1. Men and women athletes are accepted regardless of age.

2. Each participant must have reached the age of 18 years old, with the exception of participation in the Urban Trail Run 10 km where persons under the age of 18 and more than 15 years old are allowed to participate in, provided that they obtain the consent of his/ her custodian. In order to prove the required consensus, a responsible declaration of the parent/ guardian must be e-mailed at ecozinskiathos@gmail.com before the run or delivered on the 18th of May 2025. You can find it online on the event’s official website (Parental Consent Form). To sum up, children up to the 3rd Grade of Secondary School can participate only in the kids running races. Older children (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of High School) can participate in the Urban Trail Run 10 km, with a written parental permission.

3. Participation becomes valid upon payment.

4. Participation for kids running races and for Urban Trail Run 10 km, only for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of High School, is free of charge.

5. Participation fees for adults (over 18 years old) are:

  • 10 euros for Urban Trail Run 10 km
  • 15 euros for Urban Trail Run 10 km + free entrance at three of Skiathos Museums
  • 10 euros for Skiathos Trail Run 21 km
  • 15 euros for Skiathos Trail Run 21 km + free entrance at three of Skiathos Museums

The participation fees above refer to early online registrations, submitted from 23/4/2025. Any online registrations submitted from 26/4 – 4/5/2025, will be at a slightly increased entry fee, as presented below.

  • 15 euros for Urban Trail Run 10 km
  • 20 euros for Urban Trail Run 10 km + free entrance at three of Skiathos Museums
  • 15 euros for Skiathos Trail Run 21 km
  • 20 euros for Skiathos Trail Run 21 km + free entrance at three of Skiathos Museums

6. This includes:

– Participation in the running event, on 18 May 2025, according to the regulations and the Covid-19 protocols for outdoor races

– Presentation of Special Olympics Hellas program on 17/5 (optional | Bourtzi, 6.30 a.m.)

– Participation in an organized guided walking tour in Skiathos town on 17/5 (optional | meeting point Bourtzi peninsula, 7.30 a.m.)

– Participation at the pasta party on 17/5 (optional | restaurant Bakaliko for 2025, Ammoudia Skiathos, 8.30 a.m.)

– Commemorative T-shirt

– Race number

– Commemorative participation medal

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophies (Men, Boys| Women, Girls) at the Awards ceremony

– Water, light snacks offered by our sponsors at supply stations

– Medical aid during and after the race

– Free entrance at three Skiathos Museums (provided the respective entry fee is paid)

– 30%-50% discount for ferry tickets, depending on the port of departure (upon request, emailed at ecozinskiathos@gmail.com latest until 10/5/2025)

– Special accommodation prices as presented at Sponsors/ Offers

– Discounts offered by our sponsors, that will be presented on the event’s website soon

7. Online registrations close on Sunday, 11 May 2025

8. From then on, participants will still have the opportunity to register for 3 more days (12/5-15/5/2025), at Olive Tree shop (28 A, Papadiamantis str., between 7-8 p.m.), paying the entry fees mentioned for the period 26/4–4/5/2025. On site registrations for kids running races can be submitted a. from 1-10/5/2025 at their schools b. from 12/5-16/5/2023, at Olive Tree (28 A, Papadiamantis str., between 7-8 p.m.)

9. Last minute registrations will be also available. They can be submitted on Sunday, 18 May 2025. Please pay attention that athletes who will decide to register the very last minute, on 18/5 just before the run, should arrive at Bourtzi, between 7.45 – 8.00 a.m. Registrations will close latest at 8.00 a.m. Registrations for kids running races will close latest at 10.00 a.m.

10. Group registrations: it concerns at least 10 runners, either in 10 km or 24 km. In such a case, a 10% discount is offered. If you are interested in a group registration, you should register until 10/5/2025.

11. Local participants: the entry fee for runners born in Skiathos will be at 10 euros, either for an early or a last minute registration (10 km or 21 km).

12. In order for your participation to be valid, each participant should proceed with the settlement of the respective entry fee, according to his/ hers preferences and date of submission, within two (2) working days of its online registration and agree on the content of the Consent Form (linked).

13. The payment methods include either a bank transfer, credit card or cash, along with the participant’s surname and/ or the registration number. For more info, please visit our website’s Payment Methods and Cancellation Policies.

14. In case of a bank wire, you need to make sure that your full surname| name is mentioned in the comment section on the transaction receipt.

15. Deposits of any amount less than the required participation fee will not be considered valid and the amount deposited will be given to the organization.

16. After you have settled your registration fee as above, a registration confirmation email will be sent to you within seven (7) working days.

17. For any cancellation requested prior to May 10th, 2025, no fee will be charged and the entry fee will be fully refunded. We apologize but unfortunately, after 9/5, we won’t be able to offer any refund due to operational handling reasons. In case of non-show or last minute cancellation, athletes will not be entitled to a refund and they will be charged with the 100% of the entry fee.

18. Cancellations may be accepted only after written notification and only in case such a written notification is e-mailed to ecozinskiathos@gmail.com before May 9th, 2025, as mentioned above. In case of confirmed cancellation, the entry fee will be fully refunded to the applicant. All refund requests will be processed about a week after the event.

19. For a valid participation in the events, it is necessary for the participants to wear the timing chip -please note that there will be no electronic timing for the kids running races-, the official T-shirt and the participation numbers provided by the event organizers, distributed on Sunday, 18 May 2025, between 8 – 8.15 a.m., at Bourtzi.

20. There will be electronic timing (except for the kids running races)


21. About Skiathos Trail Run 2025 categories and races:

Skiathos Trail Run 24 km: Men and Women

18/5/2025 | 9.00 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi 

Urban Trail Run 10 km: Men and Women

18/5/2025 | 9.15 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi

Special Olympics Run 1 km: Men and Women

18/5/2025 | 10.00 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi

Kids Running Races (500 -1500 m): Boys and Girls

KIDS RUNNING RACES (500 m – 1500 m)

Urban Trail Run 10 km (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of High School -for free-) 18/5/2025 | 9.15 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi, running along the old port

Kids Running 1500 m (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of Secondary School) 18/5/2025 |10.30 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi, running along the old port

Kids Running 1000 m (4th, 5th, 6th Grade of Elementary School) 18/5/2025 |10.45 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi, running along the old port

Kids Running 500 m (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of Elementary School) 18/5/2025 |11.00 a.m. | Start-Finish: Bourtzi, running along the old port

My first Skiathos Run 500 m 18/5/2025 | Start-Finish: Bourtzi, running along the old port

0-5 years old children can participate in “My First Skiathos Run” (500 m), a fun walk without timing or classification, in order to introduce kids to the joy of sports. Run with your kids or with your babies in trolleys and enjoy the cutest race of the day

22. A commemorative medal and award will be given to the three (3) first men and three (3) first women of each category, not only for the Skiathos Trail Run 24 km and Urban Trail Run 10 km races but for the Kids Running Races, too. Each child participating in the race will receive a commemorative medal and winners’ prizes will be awarded to the first three children in each group (boys and girls separately). It is important however to stress to all children that what really counts is the joy of participation and not winning. A winners’ prize will be given to the first man and first woman of 1O km and 24 km.

23. The awards ceremony will be held right after the conclusion of the runs at the Bourtzi peninsula.

24. A category is formed after the registration of at least 6 athletes


25. There is a time limit of six hours only for the longest race Skiathos Trail Run 24 km There will be two (2) in-between check points where elimination can occur

26. The elimination check point has been set for the athletes’ safety and for the race’s smooth conduct. Athletes, who do not manage to cross that point in time, are considered eliminated and can continue the race only on their own responsibility, but they must turn their number to the finishing line. The elimination time is the same for all categories, regardless of gender or age. After completing the time mentioned, the station volunteering supervisors continue recording the athletes but as overdue, and athletes who pass from there are obligated to turn in their number. Finally, for a race completion to be considered valid, it must be within six hours exactly, for men and women of all categories. Any athletes, who complete the race in overtime, are considered valid until the last check point and will be presented on the final results as “overdue finalists”.


27. Each athlete holds the race number (bib) on him/her and is obligated to have it at a clear place on the front side of his/her shirt. The number must remain on their shirt at all times without covering anything written on it (sponsors, logos etc). If the number is corrupted and may cause confusion to the station supervisors, the athlete will be disqualified. Losing the number is also punished with elimination.


28. The routes are described in detail in the category “ROUTES” which is published online on the Skiathos Trail Run website. Skiathos Trail Run 24 km starts at 9.00 a.m. and Urban Trail Run 10 km starts at 9.15 a.m.

29. The children’s races will be held at Skiathos old port (Starting |Finishing point: Bourtzi, running till the fishermen’s area and back), they will have three different starting times (10.30 – 10.45 – 11.00 a.m.) and they are for children from 0 – 12 years old (Elementary School). Moreover, My Frist Skiathos Run for 0-5 years old children will be also held, a fun walk without timing or classification, in order to introduce kids to the joy of sports. The older young athletes (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of Secondary School) will start the kids running races (1500 m), the young athletes from 4th, 5th, 6th Grade of Elementary School will follow (1000 m) and then the youngest athletes (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of Elementary School) will race last (500 m)

30. Older children (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of High School) can participate in the Urban Trail Run 10 km, but they will have to submit a written parental consent form.

31. It is recommended that one parent accompany the child to the starting/ finishing point. A supervisor of Skiathos Trail Run is going to run with them giving the race rhythm so that children can see familiar faces during the whole race.

32. For 2022, the minimum participation limits are the following:

– for Skiathos Trail Run 24 km: 30 participants

– for Urban Trail Run 10 km: 15 participants

– Kids Running Races: 50 participants


33. If an emergency occurs (extremely dangerous weather conditions), the organization has the right to change the route or to postpone (for a short time) the starting time, in order to avoid risking the athletes’ physical integrity. The race will, for no reason, be cancelled, regardless the weather conditions in the area.


34. The route marking is abundant. There is stripped tape (red and white) throughout the 24 km run and painted marking throughout the 10 km Urban Trail Run to ensure the athlete’s correct course, both in the mountains and in Skiathos town. It is absolutely temporary and aims to assist the athletes and is removed after the races. It consists mainly of signs with kilometer indications or guiding signs and even deterrent signs when necessary. At certain key points of the route, there will also be volunteers to help guide the athletes.


35. The check points are six (6) in total. All six (6) supply stations are also check points. Athletes are obligated to have their numbers at a visible place so that the volunteers judges can record them. If in any case an athlete is wearing a windbreaker jacket, he/she should make sure to show his/her number. Not showing the race number leads to elimination. Any athlete, who fails to pass by even one station, is considered disqualified.


36. Athletes participate at their own risk and the organizational authorities are not responsible for any possible injuries, as stated on the submission form. However, there will be present the Hellenic Rescue Team of Skiathos covering the race. Furthermore, there will be a specialized medical staff at certain strategical points as well as fully equipped ambulance.

37. Skiathos Trail Run organization is responsible for overlooking the routes with specialized staffs in safety, rescue and medical treatment. Athletes, who are signaled to alter their direction for safety reasons by the safety staff and the judges, are obligated to do so. Not complying will lead to elimination.


38. Any outside assistance for the athletes, by anyone, is allowed. Athletes’ escorts are also allowed, by people not wearing a race number. Finally, it’s also allowed for friends and/or family to escort the athlete towards the finish line.


39. Only Nordic walking sticks are allowed. You may also use and/or have a map, compass, GPS, mobile phone or VHF.


40. Hellenic Rescue Team of Skiathos and a doctor will be covering the race. Furthermore, there will be a specialized medical staff at certain strategical points as well as fully equipped ambulance.


41. The race is on mountain grounds and so, in a sensitive ecosystem. Consequently, it is forbidden to throw any kind of object along the routes, such as plastic bottles or any other packaging material for solid or liquid foods, consumed by the athletes during the race. At each supply station there will be a special plastic rubbish bag. All athletes are obligated to dispose of their rubbish in that bag that will be collected by the volunteers. Disposing rubbish at any other area of the route that is not predefined, leads to elimination.


42. Athletes are obligated to move on paths without forming groups that will prevent other athletes from passing by. When an athlete is signaled to move aside so that another can pass, he or she should stay on the inside part of the slope.


43. There is no mandatory equipment for the athletes. It is, however, recommended that they carry a small backpack with some supplies such as sunglasses, hat, wide mouth water bottle, solid food of their choosing, to use in-between supply stations. Each athlete is responsible for his/her choice of utensil (cup, container, utricle, bottle etc.), in order to be provided with the proper amount of liquids. The liquids offered by the station volunteering staff will be in a practical dispenser. To save time, athletes should carry utensils with wide mouths that fill up faster. Athletes are responsible for carrying one or two containers for water and isotonic drinks. Each athlete may receive one gel at the stations where it is offered. Carrying a water pack or backpack or waist bag is allowed. Leaving a bag at a station is the athlete’s responsibility.

Attention: The organization will not provide cups or bottles for environmental purposes.


44. Any objections are made only by the athlete himself/herself, no longer than 30 minutes after crossing the finishing line.


45. The official (final) race results are disclosed within a week or two after the race, in order to verify and update the data.


46. The only penalty enforced on all regulation offenses & infringements, is elimination/ expulsion and it is enforced on shortcuts, losing the race number, route littering or inappropriate behavior towards organization staff or volunteers. Lifelong elimination is foreseen in serious cases, such as violence towards organization members, and deliberate large shortcuts.


47. The organization of Skiathos Trail Run maintains the right to alter the race conduction regulations, without prior notice. In case of regulations alteration, it will be posted online both on the event’s official website and on social media (facebook)


48. Athletes are obligated to respect the following regulations. They are also obligated to comply with the event judge’s suggestions. Noncompliance to the regulations or suggestions always leads to elimination. When the judges become aware of a violation, they make note and inform the violator. Any other authorized member of the organization can make a note of the violation and submit it to the Racing Committee.


49. All athletes are responsible for their fitness and must be examined by a physician prior to the event to determine their ability to participate in the running event. In addition, they should be aware that there will be no insurance by the organizers, in the event of an accident during their participation in Skiathos Trail Run. They also certify that they are in proper health condition to compete and have recently been checked by a doctor. Athletes will not be asked to submit a doctor’s consent. Participants are aware of the potential risk of bodily harm or damage to their equipment from their participation in the running event and the consequences thereof.

50. The organization of Skiathos Trail Run 2025 is not responsible for the death, injury or any other health issue caused to the participants who, by submitting the application, declare that they are aware of the risks involved in the running event, have the relevant experience, are individually and privately insured in the event of an accident during the duration of their participation and that their state of health is good and allows them to run. With their application to the race, they declare that they will not, in any case, turn to or demand a claim against the organizers or their representatives or sponsors or supervisor if they suffer material, physical or moral harm themselves or their escorts or any third party their registration or participation in the running event. In his / her application, the participant confirms that he/ she has been informed and checked the safety measures and declared compliance with the relevant safety rules of the running event that have been demonstrated to him/ her. By submitting the application, the participant waives the right to pursue any legal action or any other remedy concerning possible disputes or issues with regard to his/her participation and the conduct of the race.

The above regulations apply to all races, Skiathos Trail Run 24 km, Urban Trail Run 10 km and Kids Running Races (500 – 1500 m)
